Choosing a Speaker on Leadership

Even leaders need to learn. In fact, leaders probably need to learn more than anyone. But who do they learn from? At Pomona Partners we have an incredible roster of speakers who help leaders to lead, giving them insight into effective changes in culture, strategy, psychology and more.

The challenge for someone putting on an event for leaders, whether current or aspiring, is choosing the right speaker for the occasion. For this reasons we’ve curated our speakers into a series of lists, including one of the speakers we recommend for leadership events.

Click through the link to check them out or read on for our guide to choosing a great speaker on leadership.

Leading from the Front

Leaders naturally want to hear from other leaders. Those with a track record of success. But also those who are willing to talk about the tougher parts of leadership.

Gillian Drakeford MBE led one of the world’s largest brands, IKEA, across two completely different territories: the UK and China. And she led the organisation’s global efforts on customer experience - an issue high on the priority list for many leaders. But what’s most interesting from Gillian is how she led, bringing people together with a shared sense of purpose.

Patrick Regan OBE is a leader who tells a very different, very personal story. Of all our speakers, Patrick came to us with the most high-profile references: prime ministers and global CEOs. And I think the reason is not the incredible work done by the charities he has led, but the honesty with which he speaks about the impact that leadership had on him, and his mental health. Patrick speaks to leaders about their own wellbeing, something that is often left behind under the pressure to succeed.

Leading on the Big Issues

We sometimes forget that leaders are humans too, which is why advisors like Patrick are so important. But it’s not just their needs that get ignored, it’s their values. Every leader I have worked with has a moral compass and issues about which they care passionately. Two of our other fantastic speakers talk to these issues, the power of activism, and the need to go further and faster in the pursuit of our goals.

Jamie Klingler is an incredible motivator for leaders. A successful business leader in her own right who turned her talents and attentions to activism in the wake of the shocking murder of Sarah Everard. One of the leaders of the Reclaim These Streets movement, Jamie continues to strive for an end to violence against women and dramatic change in the police force following further revelations about officers. Jamie challenges everyone in the room to think differently, leaving leaders with an awakened sense of purpose.

Ruth Ibegbuna believes in young people. Through a series of social enterprises she has created new opportunities for young people to grow and reach their potential. She understand what people can do given the opportunity, and she speaks about it with incredible passion. Huge global corporations want Ruth to speak to them because she reconnects their leaders with youth, and reignites a passion for change.

A Different Way of Working

‘Purpose’ is a word I’m pleased to say that you hear more and more in conversations with leaders. It’s purpose that drives Gillian and Patrick, Jamie and Ruth. But it’s still something misunderstood. How does purpose translate into principles? Into different leadership behaviours and ways of working?

Paul Spiers knows. The head of the New Principles & Leadership Institute and host of the globally popular New P&L Podcast, Paul speaks to leaders and experts constantly about how they are changing their organisations’ culture, behaviour and policy to translate purpose into practice.

Beckie Taylor is a CEO who has done things differently from the start. Refusing to follow the standard tech industry expectations of working all hours, grinding your way to success, Beckie didn’t compromise on her own health or her relationships. She built and sold a successful business while having a real life outside of the office. She’s an incredible advocate for women in tech, but most importantly for leaders, someone who understands balance.

Leading Through Understanding

Where do leaders turn when they need help - beyond their peers? Phil Lewis has been working with leaders and teams for many years, helping them to make change. Phil’s genius is connecting a deep understanding of human behaviour and need to the objectives of the organisation. He helps to accelerate change by getting everyone involved, and teaches leaders how to do the same.

Dr Simon Moore is another of our incredible speakers who educates leaders based on his own expertise. A psychologist who has worked with both animals and people, Simon is known as the ‘behaviour explainer’. He shows leaders why their staff and their customers behave the way they do, leaving audiences with incredible insight they can apply as soon as they return from your event.

In Challenging Times

It’s never a smooth ride as a leader, so sometimes they need help knowing how to deal with the shi**ier moments. This is the speciality of Grace Marshall, author of Struggle. Grace is a powerful speaker on how to deal with fear, uncertainty, and those times where nothing is going your way. She leaves leaders with a brand new toolkit for the tougher moments.

Few people have operated in tougher circumstances than hostage negotiator Nigel Taberner. Across 10 years on the force, Nigel successfully resolved more than 130 high-risk armed sieges, suicide threats and international negotiations. Now he helps leaders to handle high risk, high pressure situations.

A Growing Pool of Experts

Pomona Partners is home to an incredible array of talent, and naturally more and more experts are being attracted to join us. If you’re looking for an original, powerful, compelling speaker to talk to an audience of leaders of any size, in any format, give us a call or drop us a line through the web form, and we will try to help you find the right speaker for your occasion.


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