Top Technology Speakers

Great speakers on technology are translators between your audience and the cutting edge. With Pomona Partners you can choose from some of the best.

Naomi Timperley, Tech Advocate

One of the most influential women in tech, Naomi Timperley has unparalleled connections into the UK’s innovation community, as a consultant, mentor, and advisor. She helps new companies emerge and established ones to incubate entrepreneurship and creativity.

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Beckie Taylor, Campaigning CEO

Beckie Taylor breaks the ‘rules’ of business. And in doing so, she proves how wrong they are. As a successful CEO, Beckie is the role model for a more progressive approach to work, one that she is helping many other people, and companies to adopt.

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Dan Sodergren, Future of Work & AI Evangelist

Dan Sodergren delivers inspiration for leaders and managers dealing with the big questions about the future of work today. Will AI disrupt our business? How do we keep our hybrid workers happy? And how do we embed entrepreneurship and innovation in our organisation?

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Theo Priestley, Tech (Anti)Futurist

How often do you find someone with deep tech knowledge who can articulate its challenges? Someone literate in the lost futures, once predicted but that never came about? Theo Priestley has acquired a following for his witty takes on today’s tech stories, but his commentary comes from a position of knowledge, as an in-demand consultant, fractional CTO and futurist author.

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Ant Morse, Innovation Futurist

Ant Morse helps organisations understand the fast-paced world of new technologies. Demystifying the jargon and clearly explaining what new technologies are, what they do, and how they may impact our lives, society, and the wider economic landscapes today and over years ahead.

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Sarah Clarke, Technology Governance Specialist

Sarah Clarke brings meaningful insights, war stories and actionable ideas from the modern tech jungle, all with a sense of humour. It comes from more than two decades working to secure data in a world that changes at the speed of the internet.

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Martin SFP Bryant, New Tech Insight

Martin Bryant is your inside source on the global tech industry. He’s close to the hottest start-ups and able to offer great clarity on the biggest issues and trends on today’s transformative technologies.

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Alexander Bell, Creator of Tech Rules

Our lives are dominated by digital distractions. We’re stressed before we’re dressed! Alexander Bell puts technology under the microscope and shows that by asking the right questions and creating the right Tech Rules®, we can restore focus, boost productivity AND live a healthier future with technology.

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Vimla Appadoo, Design Thinker

Vimla Appadoo is passionate about embedding fearless change across organisations, creating powerful creative cultures and designing safe workplaces where everyone can thrive. Through honesty and vulnerability she creates a powerful connection with audiences, leaving them with the insight and the motivation to take change back to their own workplaces.

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