Liz Timoney, People Chemist

Liz Timoney shifts people’s perspectives, giving audiences the belief that they can change.  A relentlessly optimistic writer, speaker and podcast host who talks about identity, meaning, purpose, relationships and careers, Liz is driven by human connection and curiosity.

Having always been fascinated by stories, Liz has written hundreds of workbooks on personal development, management and leadership whilst working for various household names as well as not for profit organisations.

Her optimistic view that we are on the brink of solving the most pressing problems such as poverty, water/energy shortages etc brings a real energy to your audience. Liz talks about her desire to shift global culture to embrace what is new, so that we can really start global collaboration to accelerate social change in the world.


Michael Taylor, Journalist, Podcaster, Politico


Naomi Timperley, Tech Advocate