Joe Gilliver, The Chameleon Agency

In this final episode of our first season of Events Dear Boy, we make do without Katharine and I (Tom) speak to Joe Gilliver from The Chameleon Agency.

Joe talks to us about the challenge of event communications, getting it right across multiple audiences, websites and emails. He shares some big wins, like the creation of a carbon-neutral awards ceremony. And a scary failure when there was a tech disaster on a live stream (mostly caused by a client ignoring his advice).

As usual, we ask our guest for some tips for others in the events industry (keep learning!) and for speakers working at his events (make time to chat!). Joe shared loads of valuable tips as well as some recommendations for great speakers - Donald Miller and Jamil Qureshi.

Huge thanks to Joe for coming on. Katharine and I will be back soon with a wrap up episode, looking at what we’ve learned in season one. Then we’ll be straight back with season two, after just a little break. We’re already lining up lots more episodes!


Season One Wrap-Up


Paul Spiers, Principles & Leadership